Wednesday, March 30

Schedule Planning

I'm sitting here at work planning my schedule for next semester. Although, I actually have no idea when registration is because Tracey failed to mention it during our meeting on Monday. I'm trying really hard not to make myself too busy. I actually decided to add another class to my schedule for the summer in order to save myself from being insane in the fall. I'm not sure if I can handle more than 16 credits and to tell you the truth I don't really want to find out. I also really want to be able to keep working like I have been maybe even a few more hours at cvs.

schedule for the fall is as follows so far:
 tues&thurs- intro to women's studies 11:00-12:15
mon,wed&fri- english 215 11:00-11:50
mon&wed- concepts in photo 12:00-2:20
mon&wed- studio photo 6:00-8:20
tues&thurs- advanced digital print 6:00-8:20

Summer schedule:
mon,tues,wed,thurs,&fri- art history 9:00-12:00
mon,tues,wed,thurs,&fri- math 12:30-3:00
mon&wed- bio 6:00-8:40

none of the summer classes overlap which is totally nice and it gives me an opportunity to work a lot and catch up on gen ed credits. YAY!


  1. Very nice, your schedule sounds good to me. Have you decided to drop Art Ed completely?

    Tracie told me that I could register on April
    (its based on your credits though so your registration date might be different than mine)

    3 classes over the summer, do you know how much $$ that is? I'm trying to decide if I should take any... I really can't afford anything too expensive. Well i'll be in Richmond working (hopefully 2 jobs, crossing my fingers!) this summer... maybe an internship too.

    I really have to step up and take more classes next semester, but I know what you mean, I don't want to over load myself.
    As of right now, I know for sure I'm taking those 3 photo classes.
    I need to take math and science... I'm thinking about signing up for that art math class and then bio 101 or astronomy. I still have all my electives and other art studio class to take BLAH.
    And I really want to study abroad next year, maybe during Spring semester... gahhh so many things to think about! Are you doing that semester at sea?

  2. ahaha I forgot to actually give you the date, its April 18th if you have 48 credits

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. bahh! i forgot to respond to this!!
    well i ended up dropping the art history class because it's super expensive.
    that link is where you can calculate how much it would cost for you to take however many classes.

    i really really want to do the semester at sea course. but we'll see.
