Wednesday, March 30

Schedule Planning

I'm sitting here at work planning my schedule for next semester. Although, I actually have no idea when registration is because Tracey failed to mention it during our meeting on Monday. I'm trying really hard not to make myself too busy. I actually decided to add another class to my schedule for the summer in order to save myself from being insane in the fall. I'm not sure if I can handle more than 16 credits and to tell you the truth I don't really want to find out. I also really want to be able to keep working like I have been maybe even a few more hours at cvs.

schedule for the fall is as follows so far:
 tues&thurs- intro to women's studies 11:00-12:15
mon,wed&fri- english 215 11:00-11:50
mon&wed- concepts in photo 12:00-2:20
mon&wed- studio photo 6:00-8:20
tues&thurs- advanced digital print 6:00-8:20

Summer schedule:
mon,tues,wed,thurs,&fri- art history 9:00-12:00
mon,tues,wed,thurs,&fri- math 12:30-3:00
mon&wed- bio 6:00-8:40

none of the summer classes overlap which is totally nice and it gives me an opportunity to work a lot and catch up on gen ed credits. YAY!

Tuesday, March 29

Little Carla by Marc Jacobs

Alright, I'll admit it I'm a complete sucker for handbags. I just love them. One of my favorite designers is Marc Jacobs. All of his bags have nice clean lines and are made with quality products. Plus, he's an american designer which is strange in high fashion. I was just on his website, searching for things I cannot afford. It's one of the best sites I've seen on this big wide internet world we reside in. Just the code alone on this site is impressive. Even if you aren't interested in fashion you should check out his site. The bag I want at the moment is: 

This wonderful little baby would cost me 950$. Yes, Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars. Why must the things I want be so much out of my life style's spending ability. If only I was born into money. goshhhh  

Monday, March 28

the only exception- Paramore

I think it's amazing that some songs have certain people written all over them. I remember listening to Spark's Fly by t.swift for the first time and just thinking "this is you, this is how i feel about you" and then it played out as it did, now the songs that remind me of you are the story of us, dear john and haunted by t.swift. Now I can't listen to these songs without giving you a fleeting thought. But it's getting better as these months fly by and I feel like I am that much closer to being myself again.

This brings up a question that I ask myself over and over, Why do we, as humans, dwell on things that hurt us? Some people may be like bahhh jamie no that's only you, I just move on. Personally I think that's complete crap. One day that's all going to come crawling back into you're conscious thoughts. I think it's better to wallow right then and there. This isn't necessarily about relationships, it's about everything. I think it's important to embrace how something makes you feel, as long as you don't hurt anyone because of it. I think being heartbroken over whatever it is for a period of time is completely acceptable.  Even if people think you're being stupid for being devastated that you can't go see someone in concert. At least you feel passionate about something.

The people in the world that lack passion for anything I do not understand. And it probably goes without saying that I don't understand people who don't care about things either.

until my next rant. xo

Sunday, March 27

School Spirit!

celebrating final four.... like a boss.
aka. in my apartment listening to ke$ha contemplating having a dance party.

Friday, March 25

anthem- bring me the horizon

Completely unrelated: what if every time i took a what hogwarts house are you? quiz i got slytherin instead of huffelpuff? how would life change?


Wednesday, March 23

Jude Law and The Semester Abroad - Brand New

Lately I've been really flirting with the idea of what kind of people are necessary to have in your life. As I get further and further into this so called future in photography I keep meeting people with so much knowledge. I have definitely decided that it's completely necessary to have people in your life that make you want to be a better person, learn more, and make you strive to keep up. I've always felt like I have a good head on my shoulders and that I understand things pretty well. But lately I've felt like I'm falling short in comparison to the people around me. I feel like this is a good thing though. By listening to my friends talk about things that I know little about it makes me want to learn about the topics. Now if only I could make time for it I'd be golden..