Wednesday, March 23

Jude Law and The Semester Abroad - Brand New

Lately I've been really flirting with the idea of what kind of people are necessary to have in your life. As I get further and further into this so called future in photography I keep meeting people with so much knowledge. I have definitely decided that it's completely necessary to have people in your life that make you want to be a better person, learn more, and make you strive to keep up. I've always felt like I have a good head on my shoulders and that I understand things pretty well. But lately I've felt like I'm falling short in comparison to the people around me. I feel like this is a good thing though. By listening to my friends talk about things that I know little about it makes me want to learn about the topics. Now if only I could make time for it I'd be golden..

1 comment:

  1. It's just a matter of doing that, making time. Either getting up a few minutes earlier or going to bed later or finding time in your day where you're not as busy to kinda read up on the things our classmates are talking about. There's also summer...

    Also, I challenge your compulsion to want to learn about these foreign topics. Why is it you want to know more? Is it necessary? Perhaps that's why you're not versed in such subject matter, that is because it's not important to you and it shouldn't necessarily be. I only say this as warning of sorts - if you feel compelled to research every little thing that someone brings up, you'll be buried. Pick and choose, y'know? And sometimes I kinda like to be left in the dark myself, for the other party to explain it to me and just react on instinct and how I feel as an individual (and then if it really resonates with me, go back and look into it).

    I've been babbling...
